Sunday, May 31, 2020

Santa Ynez Barn

Santa Ynez Barn Contemporary Garage And Shed Other Metro

Breakfast And Brunch - Traditional Chilaquiles

Palm Bay Babes
Freshly fried tortilla chips are layered with a spicy chicken and tomatillo sauce and plenty of cheese. Serve it with fried eggs for hearty breakfast or as a cheesy dinner.

Soups Stews And Chili - Lloyds Healthy Chicken Zoopa

Chicken vegetable soup with wonderful variations: dashes of soy and hot pepper sauces, plus spinach. This low fat soup is rich in nutrients and taste.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Salad - Ingrids Caesar Salad Dressing

This inspired version of a caesar dressing is bursting with flavor. Minced garlic, dry mustard powder, hot pepper sauce, and cayenne give this dressing a unique zip. Blue cheese salad dressing and grated Parmesan cheese makes it extra creamy.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Side Dish - Spanish Rice Original

Rice gets dressed up with bacon, onion, green pepper, and a savory tomato sauce. Top with corn and black olives, if desired.